Honfluer, France

May 3, 2024 - Since we had a fabulous trip to Paris 10 years ago, we opted not to take the 3 hour trip to Paris for the “explore Paris on your own” tour and instead chose to go on a walking tour of Honfluer, and it was excellent. We met our guide Claudia and boarded a bus for the 5 minute drive to the old city of Honfleur. We could actually still see our ship from where the bus dropped us off for our walking tour, but walking to town from the ship was discouraged as there were no sidewalks. Claudia took us on a one hour tour of the old city, which is most famous as the home for the artist Monet. We admired the architecture and the “leaning” buildings, as well as all the cafes along the harbor inlet which reminded us of our trip to Denmark. Our tour ended at the Church of St. Catherine (appropriate!) and from there we had an hour of free time. We walked around a bit and then sat at an oudoor cafe for lunch. After lunch we decided to stay in town and take the shuttle back to the ship, so we walked around with Julie, who wanted to do some shopping. What we didn’t realize was that most shops close from 12:30 - 2:30 for lunch, so our shopping was not successful —but we had a nice walk and even stopped at another cafe for coffee/tea. We took the shuttle back to the ship at 3:30 after spending an ideal day in Honfluer.

St. Catherine’s Church - Oldest Wooden church in France


Dover, England


Cherbourg, France