Where did the day go…

Friday, January 26th - The day that didn’t exist for us. We went to bed and it was Thursday night and woke up to Saturday morning. We were 6 hours behind east coast time, and then magically we were 18 hours ahead. A bit bizarre, but otherwise a non-issue except for our “step counters” as Cathy’s Fitbit obviously recorded nothing for Friday, as did Ann Marie’s Apple Watch. But Ann Marie’s also showed zero for Saturday, but combined Saturday into Sunday. No idea why, but just made things slightly more odd. It really confused some people - as they asked if we would “get the day back” later in the trip LOL.

As with everything on Viking, they did a ceremony for crossing the international dateline. It was not as elaborate as the pollywagg ceremony for crossing the equator. In fact we decided to skip the “Domain of the Golden Dragon” ceremony, and honestly didn’t even read or watch later to find out the meaning behind the name.


Waitangi, Bay of Islands, New Zealand


Sea Days - Tahiti to New Zealand